
Our Supported Technologies

Our experienced professionals have a wide range of skills – below are some of the main services and areas of expertise that we offer to our customers.


MEAN Stack Developers use a collection of JavaScript technologies to develop a range of web applications.


MERN is an acronym for a set of technologies: Mongo DB, Express JS, ReactJS/Redux, and Node JS.


FULL Stack Developers are a one-stop shop. They handle all aspects of databases, servers, and systems engineering.


React JS is a JavaScript library designed by Facebook for building user interfaces. In essence, React JS is brilliant for developing single-page or mobile applications, especially if these pages need to fetch rapidly-changing data on an ongoing basis.


Vue is a JavaScript framework with an incrementally adoptable architecture, focusing on declarative rendering and component composition, that facilitates building both user interfaces and single-page applications.


Angular JS is a JavaScript-based, front-end web framework that’s principally maintained by Google. It seeks to solve many of the challenges associated with developing single-page applications by providing a framework for client-side MVC.


Object-orientated JavaScript uses self-contained pieces of code (objects/classes/functions) to build applications. Plus, it also enables encapsulation and inheritance from other objects.


Node.js is a cross-platform run-time system which allows developers to use JavaScript code outside of a browser (such as for writing command line tools or for server-side scripting). Node.js enables web development based one single programming language – as opposed to using server- and client-side scripts.


Python is a general-purpose programming language that helps programmers write clear, logical code for all sizes of project. Python supports multiple programming paradigms: procedural, object-orientated, and functional.


PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (to give it its full name) was originally designed as a general-purpose programming language for web development, but it’s now mainly used for server-side scripting. Nowadays, it’s estimated that 8/10 of all web pages use PHP in some fashion.


Zend Framework, an object-orientated web framework used in PHP 7, is a collection of PHP-based packages. Essentially, it facilitates scaling PHP applications. A few other major advantages are its automatic release cycle and Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery pipelines.


CodeIgnitor is a PHP web framework used to build dynamic websites and applications. The major advantage of CodeIgnitor is that it’s absolutely rapid, easy to use, and doesn’t even really feel like a framework.


Laravel is another PHP web application framework, but it’s intended to be used for MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural patterns. Laravel handles the nitty-gritty aspects of a project (like setup, dependencies, and architecture), leaving you to go straight into the fun stuff.


Ruby on Rails is an open-source, MVC-based, server-side web application framework that was used to build Airbnb, SoundCloud, and Shopify (among many others). It has strongly influenced web app development since its launch, when it introduced innovative features like seamless database table creations, migrations, and scaffolding of views.


Django is a Python-based MVT (Model-View-Template) framework that enables fast development of highly-complex, data-driven websites. It was built keeping a number of core tenets in mind: using less code, low coupling, and rapid development.


Coldfusion was developed by Adobe to rapidly develop web applications and to facilitate connecting HTML pages to a database. The OffSetup team boasts a number of Adobe-certified CF Developers.


Wordpress is a content management system, most commonly associated with blogging, that’s used by more than 60 million websites – making it the most popular website management system out there. It’s been described as “a factory that makes webpages”.


Linux is a Unix-like OS (operating system), managing the communication between your software and your hardware. Since its introduction in 1991, it’s permeated everywhere you can think of: cars, supercomputers, and home appliances. And, it’s estimated that 96.3% of the top 1 million websites use Linux.


Next.js is a React framework for building full-stack web applications. You use React Components to build user interfaces, and Next.js for additional features and optimizations.


Amazon Web Services provides cloud computing services on demand. In essence, it gives you the ability to obtain large-scale computing capacity without having to go through the time, cost, and hassle of building your own physical server farm. Our team are experts in AWS scripting, which enables controlling and automating multiple AWS services from the command line. With AWS Lambda, you can upload, run, and scale your code without provisioning or managing servers.


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) makes web-scale cloud computing easier for developers by giving you complete control of computing resources.


ELB, or Elastic Load Balancing, handles the load of your application traffic by distributing it across multiple targets: EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions.


Autoscaling constantly monitors your applications before automatically adjusting capacity to maintain peak performance at the lowest possible cost. It also provides an interface to build scaling plans for multiple resources.


Relational Database Service enables operating and scaling a relational database in the cloud, providing cost-effective and entirely resizable capacity. Amazon RDS Read and Write Replicas give you the ability to elastically scale out beyond a single DB instance’s capacity constraints. This provides increased performance and durability.


Simple Storage Service is an object storage service which can store and protect data from all sources: websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, IoT devices, and big data analytics.


Simple Queue Service is a messaging queuing service where you can decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.


The OffSetup team has a number of Amazon-certified AWS Solutions Architects. In achieving certification, they not only had to pass Amazon’s exam but they also had to demonstrate a deep knowledge of AWS gained in their years of hands-on experience.


Given the ease of scaling, it can be hard to estimate how much your various Amazon Web Services are costing you. Our team will precisely calculate your levels of existing spend, as well as forecasting future spend and giving you advice on the most cost-effective options going forward.

Cloud Management

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure allows you to build, test, deploy, and manage all applications through Microsoft-run data centres. There are no less than 600 Azure services, including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.

Data Administration/Database Development

Database Design and Administration

DBAs (database administrators) develop databases: classifying all available data and identifying interconnected relationships. Their role also includes installation, configuration, capacity planning, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, backup, and data recovery.

Big Data

Big Data seeks to systematically analyse datasets that are too large or complex to be handled by traditional data-processing application software.

Rather than referring to the size of a dataset, the term ‘big data’ nowadays generally refers to the practice of using methods like predictive analytics and user behaviour analytics to extract value from data.

360-degree expertise

Our team are true experts in all areas – from database set-up, management, analytics, and trigger writing.

We’re proficient in such platforms as: Elastic Search, Mongo DB, MySQL, SQL Server, and more.


Artificial Intelligence

AI, or ‘Artificial Intelligence’, is defined as “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.”


Blockchain is a series of records (blocks) that are linked together by cryptography. This open ledger is principally used to securely record cryptocurrency transactions. Once a block’s data has been recorded, it can’t be retroactively altered in any way.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning refers to the series of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to solve tasks when not given explicit instructions. It’s a subset of artificial intelligence, and is used in a variety of day-to-day applications such as email filtering.



We specialise in all kinds of copywriting, including blog content, technical content, legal content, and news content.

Traditional advertising is on its way out, and content marketing is quickly taking over. Consumers want to be informed, and whoever is able to accurately inform them goes a long way to winning over their trust (and business).

Needless to say, good writing is at the very core of this strategy.


There’s no point in having great content if nobody sees it. Search engine optimisation is becoming increasingly difficult – search engines like Google constantly change the rules behind SEO.

That’s why it pays to have specialists who monitor not only your SEO rankings, but also any changes in rules or regulations that might affect this.

Digital Marketing

We live in a digital world, so digital marketing is King. Gone are the days when companies would fight over Ad space in the newspaper. Instead, the digital world offers a myriad of ever-changing technologies and mediums where you can effectively market to your audience.

Social Media Marketing

The average internet user spends two hours per day on social media. Therefore, a core part of effective digital marketing revolves around effectively leveraging social media networks like Instagram and Facebook.

And more...

Our range of skills means that we’re on hand to tackle whatever marketing challenge you have – whether that’s graphic design, video editing, or producing amazing podcasts.